Frequently Ask Questions

This page includes questions commonly asked by our volunteers, students and others. Here we cover topics, general questions and program specific ones.

Distance Reading Program

Who is this program for?

Disadvantaged students who are in need of quality English education.

What is the age group of the students?

6 years and above.

What are the different levels in the English program?

The English program begins with Phonics that teaches the basics of reading and progresses to 5 levels of reading and ends in the Spoken English program.

How is the level of the student determined?

We assess the English capability of the students and assign them to the appropriate level in the program.

What is the criteria adopted while connecting the teacher and the student?

Common regional language, time slot and teacher proficiency are the three criteria that are adopted while connecting the teacher and the student.

Is the reading content given by AASHA?

Yes, we do provide reading cards which have an interesting story or passage for reading with illustrations and a glossary for difficult words. Each lesson has exercises on comprehension and vocabulary.

What happens if my student finds it very difficult to read and understand the given text?

The student is assigned a level after the assessment. Give some time for them to get accustomed to the lessons. If after a reasonable amount of sessions, if the student is still unable to read easily, please reach out to the teacher coordination team.

What happens if the student finds it very easy to read and understand the given text?

The reading content has been segregated into 5 levels and it gradually becomes more complex and challenging. So don’t be hasty in concluding that the content is too simple. Also, if initially your student finds it too easy, become creative and have discussions on the topic of the lesson. Ask them to find verbs, adjectives in the text or find opposites etc. There are many ways in which you can make it challenging and fun for the student.

How many sessions a week should I teach and what is the duration of each session?

You must teach a minimum of 3 sessions per week and you can increase it depending on your and the student’s availability. The duration of each session is 40 minutes.

Is there anything else expected from the teacher other than the teaching of 40 minutes?

You must WhatsApp the audio clips of the text to the student, which will help them in doing multiple revisions and become perfect. So please read the text in your own voice and record and send it to the student.

How many lessons should I teach in 1 session?

Ideally you should teach 1 lesson in 1 session. If time falls short, don’t worry, the audios you send after the class will help them to revise and become perfect. If there is time left, become creative and keep the student engaged constructively.


What is Phonics?

Phonics is a method of teaching alphabets and words through the sounds it represents.

What style of phonics is taught in level zero?

The level zero is based on the concept of Synthetic Phonics and the alphabets/ sounds are not introduced in the alphabetical order. The ideal way of teaching this method is not by introducing the letter name but only by teaching the letter sound.

How is each lesson designed?

Synthetic phonics has 42 basic sounds, split into 7 sets of 6 sounds. Each lesson has six sounds that are to be introduced in the sequence given. There are activities to reinforce the concepts- Say the sound, Join the sounds( blending), Recognise the underlined letter and read the word, Fill up the blanks and read the word.

Wouldn’t teaching 6 sounds in one session be too much for the student?

Introducing all the sounds can happen in one session. You can take time to complete the exercises if you feel the child/ student needs more help. There are ample revision lessons that are integrated into the course. There are supporting resources provided to help both you and the student.

My student can identify some letters and read some words too, does he still need phonics?

Yes, your student may be struggling with pronunciation and reading, hence he has been assigned this program. Explain to him/her that each letter has a name and a sound and start teaching.

I have not learnt phonics before, can I still teach phonics?

You will be taught the methodology by our trainer before you begin. Attend it without fail before teaching. Even if you know Phonics, attend the training to understand our methodology and study plan. We also have ample supporting resources on our youtube channel. Kindly go through it and prepare before the class. The links are provided for your reference. Kindly reach out to your coordinator for any clarifications.

What other resources are provided?

Vocabulary building, word list and writing practice worksheets are available at the end of the level 0 folder.

What happens after session 20?

There is an assessment which needs to be done and the report should be submitted with the team.

What comes after level 0?

You can shift the student to the advanced level 0 which comprises of nine lessons. Then the student can progress to level 1.

Spoken English

Who is eligible for this program?

This program is primarily targeted at students who seek to improve their spoken English and gain confidence in their English language communication.

Is there any criteria or assessment to enter this program?

Students entering the Spoken English Program should have an English proficiency level equivalent to AASHA DRP Level- 5.

How many Levels are there and how many sessions in each Level?

There are 3 levels and each level has 30 sessions.

Do you follow a specific textbook?

No – we have our own highly interactive hand books with many exercises. The emphasis in the Spoken English program is on speaking, discussion, reading, listening and reporting.

Are there any assessments in the program?

Periodic assessments are conducted during the program to measure the progress of the student.

Should I record the assessment?

The baseline and the last assessment should be recorded and shared with the team to show the difference in the student’s abilities.

Kannada Program

What kind of Kannada courses does AASHA offer?

AASHA Kannada department offers

→ A Spoken program that is primarily targeted at adults who seek to improve their spoken Kannada and gain confidence in their communication.

→ A Read and Write Kannada program that is primarily targeted at school children or adults who want to learn to read and write Kannada.

Who are AASHA Kannada courses meant for?

AASHA’s Spoken Kannada course is meant for anyone who wants to learn to speak Kannada – non-Kannadigas who have moved to Karnataka / Kannadigas who grew up outside Karnataka / people with an interest in Kannada, etc.

Are these programs individual or group programs?

All our programs are available in both group and individual formats

Is there any criteria or assessment for entry to this program?


Do you follow specific textbooks?

The learning material for the Spoken Kannada program has been specially created, in house, with the focus on speaking – so the classes are highly interactive and involve discussion, listening and reporting.

The learning material for Read and Write Kannada follows the phonics methodology of teaching and students begin to read and write from the first day onwards.